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- MRL #022- The 90 For 90 Challenge: An Antidote To Distraction
MRL #022- The 90 For 90 Challenge: An Antidote To Distraction
You are Neo.
You are stuck in the Matrix that is our hyper-distracted world.
Every time you turn around someone or something is blinging, ringing, or pinging for your attention. Like Pavlov’s dog, you salivate at the sound of a bell.
Distractions are killing you.
Killing your ability to be present. Killing your ability to produce. Killing your ability to reach your full potential.
Maybe you know that you are stuck in the Matrix, but you don’t know how to unplug.
Lucky for you I’ve escaped. I can show you how.
I am Morpheus, and I am offering you a choice.
In one hand, the red pill of FOCUS. In the other hand, the blue pill of DISTRACTION.
The choice is yours.
If you choose the blue pill, you continue down the path you're on, blind to the Matrix and the death grip it has on you and your career.
If you choose the red pill, you choose to wake up and see just how far down the rabbit hole goes.
So, which one's it gonna be?
I thought so.
Red pill it is.
Let us begin.
Engineer Your Environment For Success
Focus begins with your environment.
You must put yourself in a position to be successful.
Devices and people are your two biggest distractions.
So, engineer your environment accordingly.
For devices:
For people:
Have a designated area for your most important work (prospecting)
Have a designated time for your most important work (propsecting)
Hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door
Focus On Important Work First
Next, to focus you must prioritize important work.
Brian Tracy calls it eating the frog.
For a Producer like yourself, that's prospecting.
Dedicate the first time block of your day to making calls or doing drop-ins.
Your emails, submissions, and paperwork can wait.
Plan Tomorrow, Today
Next, to focus take 10-15 minutes at the end of each day to get your shit together.
Clean your desk
Put your paperwork away
Most importantly, identify your top 3 priorities for tomorrow
Then actually pencil them in.
It’s easy to get caught in the reactive trap of "urgent" and "now".
That's why it's crucial to identify important work and make it a priority by scheduling it in your calendar.
The 90 For 90 Challenge
Lastly, put these ideas to the test.
Using the 3 principles above, I have devised a challenge for you.
Here’s how it works…
For the next 90 days, the first 90 minutes of your day are devoted to prospecting.
No social media
No yapping around the water cooler
No browsing your fantasy [insert sport] roster
Do the important work first.
Pick a sacred place where you will do it.
Guard your time and your space with your life.
In 90 (work) days report back and tell me how it's going.
My bet is, you'll be crushing it.
Ok, That's It For This Week
Whether you realize it or not distractions are killing your ability to produce.
The good news is, you’re not alone. Your competition is distracted too.
Which means it’s never been easier to win.
Learn to focus, and your competition won't stand a chance.
See you next Sunday.
Kick ass take names,
Maximus F. Revenue