MRL #078- Are You Making This HUGE Mistake?

If you listen to our podcast then you’ll know I make fun of Micah for changing golf swings like he changes underwear.

Every few weeks he finds a “new” way to swing the club.

And every time he’s certain this time is different.

This time he’s found “the swing” that’ll change his game…

This time he’s found an easier way…

This time he’ll never change swings again.


Playing musical chairs with golf swings is as detrimental to your golf game as changing prospecting processes.

But, that’s not what this newsletter is about.

What this newsletter is about is what I did with that information.

Wanting the “Quick Fix” Too…

I ran over to the guy’s YouTube channel to investigate.

After watching a few of his videos I quickly realized this guru’s “swing theory” indeed made sense, seemed much easier to execute than traditional swings, and was worth digging into further.

So, I bought his $750 course and began devouring the content inside.

Later that afternoon I went to the driving range to test my new swing out.

It was amazing.

Micah was right.

This guy’s “new” way to swing the club actually worked.

I was hitting nice beautiful draws with every iron in my bag.

“Ok”, I thought. “This is it. This is my new swing.”

I didn’t have time to test out my new swing with the driver, but what I saw with pitching wedge through 3-iron was enough to convince me…

I Had Found The Holy Grail of Golf Swings

Fast forward to the next day.

I again made my way to the range during lunch.

I made a few swings with my new swing with 9-iron to warm up.

And there they were again…

My nice new baby draws.

After a few swings I changed to driver.

Setting up to the ball I made my backswing, paused at the top, and then released the club head…


What in the world?

I tee’d up another ball and…


And another…


I took a step back to collect myself and replay in my mind the abomination I had just witnessed.

…Three SHANKS In A Row!

“What in the world is going on?” I thought.

I tee’d up a fourth and did the same again.

I was floored.

I dialed Micah immediately.

Micah answered.

“Dude! Your new swings got me shanking the ball!”

“Huh?” he replied in disbelief.

“Yeah! Your new swings got me shanking the ball!” I shouted.

“Send me a video,” he said.

I hung up the phone and switched over to my camera app.

I recorded another shank and sent it to him.

He FaceTimed me back immediately.

“Oh, look.” he said pointing to the picture on his phone. “Your grip is wrong. You’re doing this… and he said to grip your driver like this.”

“Huh?! Where did he say that?” I asked.

“In his course!” he replied.

“That makes sense,” I said.

I hung up and tee’d up a fifth ball.


A three hundred yard missile left my club face…

High, almost straight, and with the smallest draw…

Right at my target!

“I’m an idiot!” I thought to myself.

I had intentionally skipped the “How To Grip The Club” portion of the guy’s videos.

“I don’t need to learn that,” I thought. “I know how to grip a darn golf club.”

Turns out, I didn’t. At least, not how he recommended gripping the club for his style of “swing”.

Herein lies the lesson…

The Devil’s In The Details

Especially when you’re playing musical chairs with competing ideas…

Testing out new prospecting methodologies every few weeks.

One day you’re cold calling…

The next day you’re doing drop-ins.

One day you’re trying to sell with BOR’s…

The next day you’re only quoting.

One day your convinced you need to “own the room” and hard sell your way to success…

The next day you’re taking a low stress, low pressure approach.

Problem is…

You don’t see results!

Don’t feel bad. You’re not alone.

I did the same for years.

It’s not that all the different processes I tried were wrong…

(There’s more than one way to skin a cat)

It’s that what I did was frankenstein’d them together…

Ignoring the details…

Never learning them inside and out…

Or perfecting any of them.

So, if you’re changing processes like Micah changes golf swings and seeing minimal results too…

Maybe it’s not the club...

Or your new swing…

It’s the person swinging it!

If there’s one piece of advice I can give you it’s to…

Pick One Way To Do It, And Stick To It

Don’t change after a few weeks…

Don’t change when you hear of somebody in your office doing it a different way…

Don’t change when you don’t see immediate results.


Get back to basics, make sure you’re following the process to the tee…

And stay the course.

If you do that, I promise you’ll be successful.

See you next Sunday.

Kick ass take names,

Maximus F. Revenue IV