MRL #065- The Juan Million Method

I’m dead ass tired.

Just got back from 36 hours in the woods with the kiddos.

While fun, it was also equally exhausting.

So sorry…

Nothing new and fresh this week.

I ain’t got the mental bandwidth to pull it off tonight.

Instead, I’m going dig into the archives and pull out a banger for you.

Wait here.

Let me get to digging.


Let’s see.

Which one shall I choose?




Not that one, either.

Still looking…

Oh, there.

Yep. Let’s do this one.

Here’s our original letter on the nuts and bolts of our cold calling philosophy.

From all the way back in December of 2023…

Let’s do “How To Cold Call Like A Pro Using The Juan Million Method”.

Hang on a sec…

Let me just copy/paste…




Copy and paste, successful.


How To Cold Call Like A Pro Using The Juan Million Method

Despite what other Producers in your office may tell you—cold calling isn’t dead.

It’s actually the fastest, most effective way to book prospect meetings.

You just need to learn what you’re doing.

You Know Why Most Producers Poo-Poo Cold Calling?

Two reasons…

  1. Because they suck at it.

  2. They’re afraid of rejection.

But, you’re not gonna cop out, are you?

No, I didn’t think so.

You’re subscribed to this newsletter which means you think differently.

So, let’s get you armed and ready to start crushing your calls and booking more meetings.

Stop Selling, Start Sorting

Before you make a single call you need to clearly define your objective.

You’re not trying to sell anything. 

Your objective is to sort.

You’re sorting through your list separating those who need help from those who don’t.

That’s it.

This eliminates all the salesy B.S. you’ve been taught. You don’t need to “persuade” anyone or “feel, felt, found” or any of that nonsense.

If you wanna do all that, be my guest.

I’d prefer to just move on to the next guy or gal on my list rather than try and convince Karen to take a meeting with me when she’s clearly fat and happy.

Sort, don’t sell.

Detach From The Outcome

Next, take two deep breaths.

You never want to be rushed.

Rushing, and fumbling your words sets off sirens in your prospect’s head. 

It’s known as “commission breath”. 

It’s an instant turn off. 

You’re scared and/or desperate and they know it. 

This is all a byproduct of fear. 

What if they hang up on me?

When am I ever gonna book a meeting? 

What if I miss my sales target again this month?

Forget all that.

That’s for the birds.

Instead, detach from the outcome. 

Ignore the fear, stay in the moment.

Simply make your dials, and trust the process. 

Numbers don’t lie. 

After you’ve made enough calls you’ll begin to see the numbers play out and it will become easier and easier to detach.

Poke The Bear

You know your objective.

You’ve taken two deep breaths and detached from the outcome.

Now, let’s make a call together:

I’m calling XYZ Plumbing. I know Kyle’s the owner so I assume he handles the insurance.

Ring… ring… ring. 

Kyle: XYZ Plumbing…

Me (calm and direct): Kyle, Max Revenue with The Awesome Group. Do you handle the insurance program for XYZ?

Kyle: Yes, why? 

Me: Quick question, do you ever do any due diligence around your insurance program? 

This last question is called “poking the bear”. I’ve asked a question that stops my prospect and makes him think. 

Due diligence? What’s that?

It’s a pattern interrupt. 

It opens a loop they subconsciously need to close in their mind. 

This delays their rejection and elicits a response from them. 

Deliver Your Value Prop

Now I pause and wait for Kyle to answer.

Notice I didn’t…

Try to sell anything, ask for a meeting, or talk about how great my firm is.

That’s salesy. 

Prospects hate salesy. 


99.99% of the time Kyle will respond in one of two ways. 


“What do you mean by due diligence?”


“We already have an agent”

Either way our response is the same.

Me: Yeah, most people are satisfied with their current agent, but sometimes wonder if they’re missing something or leaving money on the table... I provide those answers WITHOUT disrupting the current agent relationship.

[Pause again] 

I know my response seems crazy simple, and borderline stupid.

But, its crafted that way for a reason.

Notice we didn’t actually pitch them anything! 

We simply poked the bear, and then responded with our value proposition.

If Kyle’s got pain, he will continue the conversation either by asking me questions or by giving me a real objection.

He now knows there’s a possible solution to his pain (my due diligence process) and it won’t rock the boat with his current agent (likely his biggest fear).

And we did all that without pitching it directly to him. 

If Kyle kills the convo…


On to the next. 

If he continues the convo…

Even better.

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Now we can begin to peel back the onion and get to the root of his pain.


We’ll end there.

The rest is just a blatant sales pitch for The Producer Playbook.

But I ain’t got time for that tonight.

Click the link above (or below) if you’re feeling froggy.

If you’re not, that’s fine too.

Either way, I’m out.

See you next Sunday.

Kick ass take names,

Maximus F Revenue IV

P.S. If you liked this newsletter, there are 2 more ways we can help you:

  1. Go check out The Producer Playbook 

    It’s our step-by-step guide to building a $1,000,000 book via cold prospecting. It costs less than a night out with friends.

  2. Join Max Revenue HQ

    It’s our community by Producers in the trenches, for Producers in the trenches. We’ve got almost 400 Producers already inside. Oh, and it’s FREE (for now).