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- MRL #081- The Silver Bullet You've Been Looking For
MRL #081- The Silver Bullet You've Been Looking For
I awoke Friday morning to the usual…
The kids wrestling snakes in the backyard…
The smell of a fresh pot of coffee…
And an inbox full of questions from Producers.
One in particular caught my eye.
It was just the right blend of desperation and panic mixed with common pitfalls that I thought I’d share it with you so we could dissect it together in the hopes that we can all learn something.
It went something like this:
“Max- getting my @$$ kicked on cold calls guys.
Worse… I’m calling with a peer in the office and she’s getting nowhere either.
Panicking, honestly. Using the Juan Million script.
I’m 100 calls deep and not a single appointment.
So, I called [a guru] and he said your way doesn’t work anymore. He says EVERYONE is selling due diligence, reviews, finding a gap, take a second look.
He’s very expensive but I need help.
What should I do?”
There’s so much to discuss here.
So, let’s waste no time, and get right into it.
The first red flag that jumps out at me besides his obvious panic, is the line:
“I’m 100 calls deep and not a single appointment.”
To be blunt…
100 cold calls is NOWHERE near a big enough sample size to determine whether something is working or not.
Micah and I go through stretches of 100 calls without setting a meeting.
Conversely, we go through stretches where we book a meeting in our first call of the day.
It’s just how the numbers play out in an abbreviated time frame.
My suggestion to Dick, and to anyone trying any type of cold prospecting, is give it 90 days.
Then, and only then, will you have a big enough sample size to make an informed decision from.
Next, let’s take a look at:
“I called [guru] and he said your way doesn’t work anymore. He says EVERYONE is selling due diligence, reviews, finding a gap, take a second look.”
I politely omitted the guru’s name from this email to keep it civil.
I could also shoot a myriad of holes in said guru’s philosophy, but I won’t do that in this newsletter either.
What I will address is the second line…
“Due Diligence doesn’t work anymore… and EVERYONE is doing it.”
The statement by itself is self-defeating.
If everyone was doing it, then he’d be teaching it and his students would be doing it too… which they don’t.
And for anyone out there who’s truly pounding the pavement and getting at-bats, they know this is patently false too.
From my experience, and the feedback I get from the hundreds of other mid-market agents I talk to, I’d say roughly 50% of agents out there are still trying to leverage their network to get in doors, or blindly asking to quote.
The other 50%, I’d say, are pitching some form of “coverage review”.
But, to be clear…
“Coverage review” isn’t what we mean when we say “due diligence”.
A coverage review is only one piece of our due diligence process.
A coverage review is no more due diligence than a window is a house.
It is one piece of it, sure…
But not it.
The guru and Dick miss this point entirely.
The next thing is…
What you say during your call matters, but how you say it matters more.
Now, to be fair…
I’ve never heard Dick on a call so I can’t tell you if he’s nailing our script or not.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t.
What I can tell you is that Micah has written roughly $2,000,000 using the script in less than 10 years.
Not bad.
Cold calling is a skill and it takes time to develop it.
Tonality, asking the right questions, active listening, pausing at the right time, all part of it.
Think about it…
I could give you the exact jokes for Dave Chappelle’s next special, but it doesn’t mean you can make people laugh with them on the first try.
You would need a whole lot of time, and a whole lot of practice to get the set right.
Same goes for cold call scripts.
Do you, homie.
You don’t need my permission to buy other people’s stuff.
If what [guru] says resonates with you—go for it.
I honestly don’t care if you use our process or someone else’s—because there’s more than one way to win.
All I care about is you winning.
I’ve been where Dick is, and I know how bad it sucks.
I’ve done the sleepless nights, and the cold sweats, and the not knowing where your next deal is gonna come from.
And if that’s where you are, and you can afford to pay a guru $5,000 - $10,000 grand for coaching—be my guest.
Just find a system with a proven track record, buzz a few of their previous students to verify their claims, and if it all checks out, go for it.
But, don’t be half pregnant.
Avoid shiny object syndrome, stick with it, and don’t quit.
If you can do that, then you’re good in my book.
Ok, let’s wrap this up…
Cuz I’ve got golf swing tutorials on YouTube to binge before bed.
To recap…
That magic bullet you’ve been looking for?
It doesn’t exist.
At the end of the day…
There’s more than one way to win.
Our way is just one.
Do it, or don’t.
Just find something that works for you and your niche and master it.
That’s the real secret.
Oh, and if you want to learn more about our system that doesn’t work, you can do that here.
FYI, price is doubling in Q4.
See you next Sunday.
Kick ass take names,
Maximus F. Revenue IV