MRL #070- Utility Contractor Buries Industry Myth

Micah Salas strikes again.

I swear, the guy is on an absolute rampage this year.

Every time I turn around he’s hanging another skin on the wall.

Now, I’ve been asked not to share his revenue year to date…

But, let me just say… it’s stoopid big.

Anyways, back to Micah’s win…

While on a call with him Tuesday, I heard him chuckle as the “you’re hired” email hit his inbox.

Reading it aloud to me on the other end…

“Micah, it’s a no-brainer. Let’s move forward with whatever we need to sign.”

“Congrats, dude. How big?” I asked.

“Not that big,” he replied. “Another utility contractor… probably around $15,000 in revenue if I can find a standard carrier home for them.”

“What’s the story?” I asked.

For the sake of time, I won’t recount the entire story…

But, I will break down the timeline of events and share a few key takeaways.

As we discussed last week, it’s important to see how the sausage gets made.

Here’s the Timeline…

January 2023- Finds lead from while targeting “Contractors 150 days out from renewal”

February 2023- Cold call, voicemail

February 2023- Cold call owner’s cell, voicemail

March 2023- Cold call, voicemail

March 2023- Cold call, voicemail

March 2023- Cold call owner’s cell, voicemail

March 2023- Cold call, voicemail

March 2023- Cold call owner’s cell, voicemail

April 2023- Sets task in CRM to call in 2024

February 2024- Cold call owner’s cell, makes contact, asks Micah to follow up in March

February 2- Micah sends owner a copy of his book in the mail with handwritten “Thank You”, sets task in CRM to follow up in 6 weeks.

March 15- Follow up call, sets meeting for next week

March 26- First Meeting

April 4- Receives policies

April 5- Research Call

April 9- Due Diligence Presentation

April 9- Receives email while on call with me…

…And rubs it in my face.

April 10- BORs signed and returned

There’s so many nuggets buried in this timeline if you look for them.

In today’s newsletter I’m going to share 3.

First, let’s start with the big myth buster…

“Contractors Don’t Sign BORs… They Only Trust The Bidding Process”

Or so the narrative goes in our industry.

This story obviously busts that myth…

Along with the hundred other contractors Micah has landed over the years.

If you’ve been unsuccessful selling with BORs to contractors or any other notoriously transactional industry…

The problem probably isn’t the industry…

It’s probably how you’re positioning it to them.

More on that later.

Nugget numero dos…

You Don’t Have To Have A Relationship To Get In The Door

You can absolutely sell to strangers.

Despite what the talking heads in our industry say…

You don’t need a relationship in the beginning…

You just need a set of cojones.

That’s not to say relationships aren’t important…

They are.

You will need the prospect to know, like, and trust you before they buy…

But, that can occur after you get in the door with effective follow up.

For example…

Take a look at how many “touches” Micah made before asking for their business…

Depending on what you consider a “touch”…

He interacted with the biz owner 10-15 times throughout the year.

If you interact with anyone that many times you’ll build a relationship.

Finally, nugget numero tres…

CRM… More Like ATM

I don’t care how sharp you are…

If you’re making the volume of dials you need to make to be successful, you can’t possibly remember every detail of every call.

Who you talked with…

What they said…

When to follow up, etc.

Averaging 40 calls a day, Micah’s got more to remember than most.

Notice 2 different times above he set tasks in his CRM to follow up.

(And yes… I actually know he set the tasks on those dates because he literally read off his activity from the CRM’s note section)

Without them he likely would have forgotten to.

There’s no telling how much revenue you’re missing out on every year if you’re not using a CRM.

Yes, I know they’re annoying to use at first…

But, once you get used to using one…

It will literally put money in your pocket.

Remember, How I Mentioned More On Positioning Later?

Here’s what I was getting at it…

How you “ask for the business” is only one piece of the puzzle.

Equally important, are how you “open the door”…

And how you approach the “due diligence” process.

We see Producers make this mistake all the time…

Trying to position for the BOR at the end of the sales cycle—when it’s already too late.

Good news is…

We show you how to properly position yourself from the start inside The Producer Playbook.

Even better…

It probably costs less than your last night out with the bois.

You can spend countless hours on countless prospects trying to figure it out for yourself…

Or, you could just copy what’s already working for Micah.

Here’s the link again if you missed it before.

That’s all for this week.

See you next Sunday.

Kick ass take names,

Maximus F Revenue IV

P.S. If you liked this newsletter and want to join the crew, I suggest 2 things…

  1. Check out The Producer Playbook 

    It’s our step-by-step guide to building a $1,000,000 book via cold prospecting…

    And costs less than a night out with friends.

  2. Join Max Revenue HQ

    It’s our community by Producers in the trenches, for Producers in the trenches.

    We’ve got almost 500 Producers already inside…

    And it’s absolutely FREE (for now).